February 24, 2014

Monday Myth #30: The benefits of using SUCCEED are only GI-health related

Trainers and riders often seek out SUCCEED initially because their horse’s GI health is a concern. Whether it’s a specific issue in the horse, or just a “nervous” horse, the owner or rider might suspect GI health as the underlying issue, leading them to SUCCEED. And SUCCEED does support good digestive health — but it also does a whole lot more than that.

SUCCEED as a “Digestive Conditioning Program”

SDCP VF carton and syringe

Take a look at a tube or box of SUCCEED. You’ll notice that the words “Digestive Conditioning Program” are written underneath the logo. Here’s where SUCCEED differs from some digestive supplements: It’s truly a digestive program, designed to work together as part of your training program to ensure your horse is getting the nutrients and energy it needs during training and competition, especially while facing the challenges of modern care and feeding. SUCCEED is designed to support all aspects of the GI tract—including the hindgut and the stomach. And that translates to a healthy horse all around.

Here’s how the ingredients work together to promote overall digestive wellness:

  • Oat Flour, made from finely milled oat bran, is rich in a soluble fiber called Beta glucan, which has been shown to help moderate the flow of feed through the GI tract to a normal, steady rate.  The normal rate at which feed flows through the GI tract in a healthy horse allows for more efficient digestion.  Beta glucan also moderates the release of sugars into the bloodstream to support a more even temperament.
  • Irradiated Dried Yeast supports a healthy hindgut in horses and helps the horse absorb more nutrients.
  • L-Glutamine and L-Threonine, two amino acids, to optimize nutrient absorption, and support the mucus production in the GI tract lining.
  • Oat Oil (rich in polar lipids) helps maintain strong intestinal tissues in the gut and provides a conduit for getting nutrients into the bloodstream.

The Connection Between Good Digestive Wellness and the Rest of the Horse:

The GI tract is the fuel line for every system of the body. When nutrients and energy are taken in and processed efficiently, they have a beneficial effect on everything from a horse’s coat, to his performance and overall attitude. The same is true for humans — we need to be healthy inside so we can look our best outside. The three main areas affected by GI tract health include:

  • Body condition: A healthy GI tract means that the horse is getting optimal nutrition from the calories he consumes. That translates to the ability to maintain good weight and muscle condition. It also shows itself in the shine on a horse’s coat and an overall healthy “bloom.”
  • Better physical performance: An athlete has to eat well for optimal energy. When a horse is getting the most from his feed, he has better stamina, energy and power available to him from what he’s ingesting. But it also means a balanced energy – no excessive highs or lows. That means a stronger, more focused, and more competitive horse.
  • Better temperament: Just like humans, horses get grouchy when they don’t have a proper level of energy and nutrients. A healthy GI tract translates to a more comfortable, willing partner that isn’t trying to resist you. Training is productive because you and your horse can be fully engaged.

A Healthy GI Tract Means a Healthier, Happier Horse.

All of these factors are directly influenced by the digestive system. So while SUCCEED does help a horse’s digestive system, it’s a myth that it only affects the GI tract. In reality, SUCCEED promotes overall well-being by supporting the digestive system. In turn, this affects a horse’s physical condition, attitude and performance.


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