January 16, 2014

New Year New Horse for Courtney Ryan-Brockmueller and Allocate in Blue

For SUCCEED representative and amateur competitor Courtney Ryan-Brockmueller, 2013 is going to be a tough year to top. From multiple World Championships with her AQHA gelding Allocate in Blue to a wedding and a baby on the way, last year was one for the books. Even so, the spirit of the New Year brings new goals and expectations for Courtney, Show Stop Farm, and her horses.

Courtney Ryan / Allocate in Blue2013 Accomplishments

Courtney and Allocate in Blue (also known as Big Sky, Big G, G-Ray or simply, G)  had an incredibly successful show season, which culminated in winning both an AQHA World Championship and an NSBA World Championship in their non-pro hunter under saddle classes. And to top it off, Courtney rode to both championships with a baby on board! Courtney and her husband Mark found out they were expecting last summer. Their baby boy Brim is due in February, making for an even busier, but no less horsey, year ahead.

Courtney’s 2014 New Year, New Horse Goals

As the “New Year, New Horse” Contest continues, Courtney shares that Allocate in Blue’s New Year’s resolution goes something like this: “Try a new class or two this year and for my humans to appreciate my humor as much as I do!” Personally, Courtney also hopes to try a new class this coming year while continuing to help her horses reach their greatest potential in their careers. She also says that keeping her horses healthy is top priority. They have to look and feel the part in the show ring, which is, in part, accomplished with SUCCEED. “SUCCEED plays an important role in our success,” Courtney says. “Our horses love it and they are so comfortable. It helps them manage breeding, training, and competition challenges and keeps them healthy. We have horses in all stages of life on SUCCEED – gestating mares, lactating mares, weanlings, yearlings, training horses, and retired show horses. It’s a staple in our program.”

Courtney’s 2014 Show Plan

Courtney and her mother, NSBA Hall of Fame Rider Nancy Sue Ryan, will be attending all major horse shows and futurities including the NSBA World Show, Reichert Celebration, Quarter Horse Congress, AQHA World Show, Larry Little Futurity and Tom Powers Futurity in 2014. Courtney says the only show she plans to miss, due to the arrival of her baby boy, is the Sun Circuit. Best of luck to Courtney, Nancy Sue, and the Show Stop Farm horses in 2014, and congratulations to Courtney and Mark as they welcome their baby boy next month!

NYNH 2014Enter the New Year, New Horse Contest

No matter how great (or not) your own 2013 was, there are ways you and your horse can improve over the coming year. So set new goals now and let SUCCEED help you reach them in 2014. Enter the “New Year, New Horse” Contest by January 26 by sharing your horse’s resolution for 2014. If your entry earns the most “likes” on Facebook during voting from January 27-31, you will win a free 60-day supply of SUCCEED to help condition your horse from the inside out.



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