January 7, 2014

“New Year, New Horse” 2013 Winner Enjoys Successful Year

maxdressageLisa Marashian entered her horse Max in last year’s “New Year, New Horse” contest in hopes of winning a free 60-day supply of SUCCEED. But that wasn’t the only reason they joined the contest. Lisa had very specific plans for her horse and was optimistic about what she and Max could accomplish together in 2013. Their contest entry won the random drawing for a free 60-day supply of SUCCEED, and Lisa has kept Max on the product ever since. We were pleased to hear from Lisa that she and Max didn’t just meet their 2013 goals, they exceeded them. Here’s their winning 2013 “New Year, New Horse” Resolution and an update on where they are now.

Lisa and Max’s 2013 “New Year, New Horse” Resolution Success

My New Years resolution is to be a little more patient with my people, especially the little ones. I’d also like to work a little harder and try to step up to a solid first level dressage horse. More love, more grass, and more sweaty saddle pads! Rock on 2013, Max max and bryceLisa did indeed compete Max at first level in dressage last year, and even took home a high point award at one show. Max was also able to take one of his “little ones” (Lisa’s six year old son) through his first year of showing in showmanship class. And, as if meeting both those goals wasn’t enough, Max also competed successfully in his first judged trail ride. Aside from his show success, Lisa says that Max’s behavior has noticeably improved since being on SUCCEED. “He had been having some difficulty with inconsistent behavior,” said Lisa. “He had a tendency to be very sensitive and over-reactive. I have seen a positive change in this with him on SUCCEED.” She also says Max always cleans up his food now and his coat and body condition look great, too. Max even started a trend in Lisa’s family. “We were so happy with how Max was doing on SUCCEED, my husband, who trains racehorses, began using it with his entire stable. He has seen better performance in the horses as well.” Lisa’s and Max’s 2014 goals are to show second level dressage, do more judged trail rides, and just have fun together. Congratulations on a successful 2013 Lisa and Max, and best wishes for another great year!

Enter “New Year, New Horse” 2014

Would you like to have a success story in 2014 like Lisa’s and Max’s? Enter the third annual “New Year, New Horse” contest by January 26 and you could be the winner of a free 60-day supply of SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program. This year, the winner will be selected by popular vote on our Facebook page.



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