February 23, 2009

Kate Levy’s SUCCEED® Story

Though only 26 years old, Kate Levy is already a veteran rider in the show jumping arena. She’s competed at the Grand Prix level since she was 18, while completing her International Business degree at Georgetown University.

In 2003 Kate obtained a gray Belgian Warmblood gelding as part of a multiple horse deal. “Vent du Nord was thrown in at the end,” she recalls. “But I didn’t really want him. He was so ornery and stubborn.”

Kate had seen difficult horses before. “Top performance horses typically have lots of character and eccentricities. But Vent du Nord was something else. At first I swear I spent more time on the ground than I did on his back. He would spin and rear. And it was hard to get him in form.”

“Everyone I knew suggested I should get rid of him. But while I value their advice, I could tell Vent du Nord had potential. Maybe I was naïve, but I refused to give up.”

In 2005 the gelding was showing signs that he needed additional digestive support. “We tried everything. All those products, all that money…nothing worked.”

That’s when she decided to try SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program®. “I’d read about SUCCEED. I knew International Grand Prix jumper Laura Kraut was using SUCCEED on all her horses. So I tried it. And it really worked wonders. The problem went away for good.

But the benefits of SUCCEED went beyond solving Kate’s initial problem. “What really got my attention were the changes in Vent du Nord’s attitude. It was like night and day. Not all at once, but gradually I got to see more of the horse I hoped was hiding in there somewhere.”

Since then, Kate has been reaping the benefits. “Vent du Nord’s temperament has really improved. Now he approaches his work seriously, and he’s less excitable and unruly. He’s becoming more and more of a show horse.”

The value of optimal digestive health was apparent in other ways too. “SUCCEED has helped his physical condition too. The horse was always thin, with a slight build. He had a good appetite and ate fine, but the feed seemed to just go right through him. Now he’s gained weight, and kept it on. He’s more fit, with a more athletic build. Even his form is better.”

Ultimately, the benefits were evident in the show ring too. “Vent du Nord is nine now, and he’s placed in three World Cup Grand Prix classes. Three years ago it was a miracle to even get through the in-gate of the show ring, let alone actually finish a jumper class in his saddle.”

Kate now appreciates the impact that a horse’s digestive health can have on its appearance, temperament and performance. “I feel like we have an advantage, just knowing what SUCCEED can do.”

Horses’ digestive tracts maintain a delicate balance that can easily be altered by the challenges of performance management and care. SUCCEED is a unique, daily nutrient program that supports complete digestive health under these rigorous conditions.

“Vent du Nord still has his bad days, believe me. But he’s consistently better. And the results speak for themselves. I use SUCCEED on every horse now. It’s an essential part of my program.”



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