August 1, 2011

Gershwin: More Rideable with Healthier Hindgut

Thank you to Stephanie Honz for sharing her SUCCEED story – and her lovely gelding Gershwin – with us! Stephanie participated in the SUCCEED Challenge and found that with improved health came a much happier horse with a better attitude. Here’s Gershwin’s story: I have owned Gershwin for 14 years of his 15-year life. I bought him as a yearling, and will never part with him. He is a retired A-circuit Hunter/Jumper and the two of us are now working very hard at learning dressage.
Gershwin Grumpy During Groomming
Sensitive and grouchy during grooming.

Gershwin Showed Signs of Chronic Hindgut Issues

Gershwin is the quietest, most reliable mount one could wish for. However, for his whole life his digestive health was an issue. I learned about SUCCEED through my own research when Gershwin got to the point where he was not rideable. I concluded on my own that Gershwin must need support for hindgi tract health.

Trying SUCCEED to Support Equine Hindgut Health

After learning about SUCCEED on my own, I began to ask around. I learned that many people have had luck with the product. I tried SUCCEED as a last resort, while it should have been the first thing to try. After two weeks of being on SUCCEED I was able to ride Gershwin again. Overall, he just seems like a happy guy! Gershwin will be on SUCCEED for the rest of his life.
Gerswhin Trotting and Hollow
Uncomfortable and hollow

SUCCEED is Worth It Because Gershwin is Worth It

Gershwin has had a wonderful showing career as a Hunter/Jumper. He has a great work ethic; I have boxes full of ribbons and prizes to show his success in the ring. I have been offered impressive sums of money for this horse, but his dependability, loyalty, and willingness to please is worth more to me than any sum of cash. Gershwin has an innate sense for the wellbeing of others, and because of that, he has found a permanent place in my heart. Of course I would want to give him everything he needs.
Happy Gershwin Taking a Treat
Healthier and happier with an improved attitude
Thanks to SUCCEED, I believe I have done just that!


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