November 2, 2011

Dressage Horse Dolce Gains Sparkle and Focus

Heidi Kohl and her horse Dolce participated in the SUCCEED Challenge. Here’s their story on how SUCCEED gave an otherwise healthy horse that extra sparkle he needed.

Heidi Kohl's horse Dolce
Dolce Before

I have owned Dolce since March of 2010. He is a dressage horse.

I decided to try SUCCEED because I had nothing to lose and everything to gain! I had a healthy horse, but one that was nervous and high strung. He just needed more focus and over all sparkle. I am not a big believer in supplements. After being in the horse business for over 35 years I have seen so many “magic dust” supplements that people spend a fortune on hoping it will “fix” their horse.

I knew I was feeding a high quality hay/grain diet along with an exercise program and that Dolce should be filling out and muscling up. But it just wasn’t happening. Everything I read about SUCCEED stated that it would help the horse digest and use what he was being fed.

Heidi Kohl and her horse Dolce trotting in pasture.
Dolce after taking the Challenge

Since Dolce’s diet was top notch, I took the SUCCEED Challenge.

Since then, Dolce is totally changed! He has not only gained weight but he has filled out and his hair coat is fabulous. I have actually cut down on his grain ration and he is still muscling up more and doing great.

The most important benefit that I have had is that Dolce is also more focused and happy in his work. He doesn’t get so “worried” about changes around him, yet he has the power to work hard.

Dolce showed in his first show this summer. He has been working well and seems so much happier and content with his job. Summer heat is a hard thing for a black horse like Dolce but he is still worked happily and kept his glow.

Dolce at first show

Want to hear more about horses and owners finding success with SUCCEED? Read about Stephanie and Gershwin and his chronic hindgut issues and Sharon and Don Caruso and the stallion’s appetite and weight issues after being imported.

Are you interested in taking the SUCCEED Challenge with your horse? Sign-up today for the 60-day program and see the results for yourself.


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