- “You need sinusitis like you need a hole in the head: when to drill holes and when to pull teeth” by Dr. John Burford (for veterinarians).
- “The problem with long nerves: roaring horses and galloping giraffes” by Dr. Caroline Hahn (for veterinarians).
- “Gastric ulcers: a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach” by Dr. Jenny Croft (for owners).
- “Melanomas: a grey area” by Professor Derek Knottenbelt (for owners).
About Vets with Horsepower CPD & Charitable Giving
Vets with Horsepower is the brainchild of Professor Derek Knottenbelt, OBE, BVM&S, DVMS, DipECEIM, MRCVS, of the University of Glasgow (Scotland). The tour is ultimately a fundraising event with all proceeds donated towards a charitable equine-related cause. For the second year, Vets with Horsepower is donating money raised to the Gambia Horse and Donkey Trust to equip the facility that last year’s event helped to build. Freedom Health is once again pleased and honored to sponsor the Vets with Horsepower Tour as they work to further equine health education and to improve quality of life for working animals in Gambia. A Word From Founder Professor Derek Knottenbelt Regarding the upcoming 2015 tour, Professor Knottenbelt shares:“The Vets with Horsepower team is embarking upon its latest adventure between 22 June 2015 and 27 June 2015. This tour is a ‘blast’ around the United Kingdom and Ireland and sets out to provide high quality continuing professional development for practicing veterinarians and also for horse owners. The two concurrent programs provide a unique opportunity for both owners and vets to get up-to-date information on some advanced, and some less advanced but no less interesting, conditions affecting the horse.
“The Horsepower project relies heavily upon the goodwill and support from sponsors and from the attendees. We are extremely grateful to Freedom Health for their ongoing and continued support. This support illustrates absolutely that the company cares deeply about the horse and about the wider world and clearly has a positive non-commercial attitude towards the Horsepower ideals. Freedom Health is one of the original sponsors and they are one of a few commercial organizations that has supported every one of the Horsepower projects so far.
“We believe that those people who support us as a profession and the Horsepower project as a concept should be those people that we support in return.”
Follow the 2015 Vets with Horsepower Tour on Facebook Learn about Vets with Horsepower and follow Tour updates on the Vets with Horsepower CDP Facebook page.