Congratulations to Rachel Larman and her horse Mystic Kid, the drawing winners in the New Year, New Horse contest.
Their grand prize is a 60-day supply of SUCCEED®, 10-pack starter kit, and access to the Challenge’s online diary to track their progress.
Rachel and Mystic are officially competing in their first 25-mile endurance race in May and are looking forward to letting SUCCEED® help get Mystic in tip-top shape. Here is the New Year’s resolution Rachel and Mystic submitted for the contest:
Get my horse as comfortable as possible inside and out…then do our first 25 mile endurace ride! We have the tack…and almost have the inside worked out. He’s a very sensitive guy and is also stoic. It’s sometimes really hard to tell what’s going on with him. He have a huge heart and would do anything for me. Can’t ask for a better horse.
We wish both Rachel and Mystic and all the contest participants our very best for a healthy and successful 2012!