January 8, 2012

New Year, New Horse Contest: Win 60 Day Supply of SUCCEED

**The New Year, New Horse Contest is now closed for submissions. Thanks to all who participated! We will be compiling the entries, drawing the winner randomly, and announcing it here within the next few days. Be sure to subscribe to the blog so you don’t miss the big announcement!**

Your horse wants to be healthier in 2012. Resolve to make it happen. And you could win a free registration to the SUCCEED® Challenge.

If your horse had to make a New Year’s Resolution, what would it be?

Something tells us your horse’s goals for 2012 probably wouldn’t include mastering a flying change or improving a competition score. Maybe your mare has always been jealous of her stall mate’s muscled topline and dappled coat – and wants this to be the year she gets one of her own. Or perhaps your gelding is tired of feeling slightly under the weather and wants to commit to a healthier 2012.

Whether it’s getting that bit of extra bloom, finally kicking a health issue once and for all, or taking it to the next level under saddle – your horse’s healthy 2012 begins inside where wellness finds its roots in the equine digestive tract.

This month, your horse could win a free 60-day supply of SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program® to jumpstart him on the path to a healthier, more successful 2012.

Win a FREE SUCCEED Challenge Registration with 60-Day Supply

By entering your horse in the New Year, New Horse Contest, you are eligible to win a free registration to the SUCCEED® Challenge – a $179.95 value. You will receive:

  • 60-day supply of SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program®
  • Free 10-pack starter kit of SUCCEED® oral paste (for the initial loading dose)
  • Free shipping
  • Access to a simple online diary for tracking your horse’s progress

No strings attached.

How To Enter the New Year, New Horse Contest

Visit the New Year, New Horse Contest entry page to submit your official entry by January 31, 2012.

You must include:

  • a photo of your horse
  • a short (100 words or less) paragraph written from your horse’s perspective telling us about his/her 2012 New Year’s Resolution

And that’s it!

A winner will be drawn randomly and announced in early February.

One submission per person. However, you CAN earn two additional drawing entries by sharing the contest with your friends on Twitter or Facebook. (Total of three entries for the drawing.) Facebook and Twitter entries are not valid without an official contest entry.

Read the complete New Year, New Horse Contest terms. Open to US residents only.

About SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program

SUCCEED® is an all-natural feed supplement designed to enhance the overall health and function of the equine digestive tract – all the way from mouth to tail. Its specially-processed ingredients work holistically to support nutrient absorption and the healthy structure and function of the equine digestive tract.

Learn more about SUCCEED®:



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