December 31, 2013

New Year New Horse 2014

Your and your horse accomplished a lot in 2013. Resolve now to make 2014 your best year yet and you could win a free 60-day supply of SUCCEED.

As 2014 begins, it’s time to look back and reflect on the health and performance goals you achieved with your horse, and look forward to what you want to accomplish in 2014. Whether it’s getting that bit of extra bloom, finally kicking a health issue once and for all, or taking it to the next level under saddle – your horse’s successful 2014 begins inside where overall wellness finds its roots in the equine digestive tract.

Enter our third annual New Year, New Horse Contest now and your horse could win a free 60-day supply of SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program® to jumpstart him on the path to a healthier, more successful 2014.

For the first time this year, the New Year, New Horse winner will be selected by popular vote via Facebook.

How To Enter the New Year, New Horse Contest

If your horse had to make a New Year’s Resolution, what do you think it would be?

Visit the New Year, New Horse Contest entry page to submit your official entry by January 26, 2014.

You must include:

  • a photo of your horse
  • a short (100 words or less) paragraph written from your horse’s perspective telling us about his/her 2014 New Year’s Resolution

And that’s it! Please note that only US residents are eligible to win; although we will happily accept and share equine resolutions from around the world.



Voting will be open January 27-31 via Facebook. The New Year’s Resolution and photo with the most “Likes” will win the contest. Be sure to share your photo with friends to get more votes.

The winning resolution and photo will be featured on the SUCCEED blog and social media channels.

Win a FREE SUCCEED Challenge Registration with 60-Day Supply

By entering your horse in the New Year, New Horse Contest, you are eligible to win a free registration to the SUCCEED® Challenge. You can choose from:

The SUCCEED Challenge Oral Paste Program Pack

  • Two (2) cartons of SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program Oral Paste, each containing 30 oral syringes
  • One (1) ten-pack starter kit containing 10 oral syringes of SUCCEED Oral Paste
  • Literature pack with information on the SUCCEED Challenge program
  • Free shipping
  • Access to SUCCEED Challenge website as a registered user, to complete the SUCCEED Challenge 60-day program.

The estimated fair market value of the “Oral Paste Program Pack” is: $209.95

The SUCCEED Challenge Granules Program Pack

  • One (1) cartons of SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program Oral Paste containing 30 oral syringes
  • One (1) 30-day sized tub of SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program granules containing 30 servings
  • One (1) ten-pack starter kit containing 10 oral syringes of SUCCEED Oral Paste
  • Literature pack with information on the SUCCEED Challenge program
  • Free shipping
  • Access to SUCCEED Challenge website as a registered user, to complete the SUCCEED Challenge 60-day program.

The estimated fair market value of the “Oral Paste Program Pack” is: $199.95

No strings attached.

Enter now.

Check out last year’s winning submission.

Read the complete New Year New Horse Contest Terms here. Open to US residents only.

About SUCCEED Digestive Conditioning Program

SUCCEED® is an all-natural feed supplement designed to enhance the overall health and function of the equine digestive tract – all the way from mouth to tail. Its specially-processed ingredients work holistically to support nutrient absorption and the healthy structure and function of the equine digestive tract.

Learn more about SUCCEED®:



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