As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, many horse owners find themselves adjusting their horses’ routines. While these changes may be necessary, they can also pose risks to digestive health. With careful management, however, we can help minimize the challenges winter may bring to our horses’ digestive systems.
The Challenges of Winter Management
Poor weather, muddy fields, and reduced grass growth often means increased time in the stall. While stalling keeps horses sheltered, it also alters their natural behavior, restricting movement, limiting time browsing and grazing on forage, and increasing stress. These factors can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract in several ways:
- Reduced Movement: Limited movement decreases the transit rate of ingested feed, which can lead to problems like impaction colic. Regular exercise including ridden work, arena turnout, hand grazing or time on a walker, can support gut motility.
- Forage Intake: Horses produce gastric acid continuously, so access to ad-lib, high-quality forage is essential. Forage not only buffers stomach acid to protect the stomach lining but also supports the fermentation process in the hindgut, which sustains the gut microbiota and provides energy for warmth and performance.
The Role of Stress
Some horses struggle more with increased stalling, experiencing stress and anxiety that can elevate levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. Elevated cortisol can:
- Increase gastrointestinal inflammation.
- Compromise immunity.
- Disrupt the balance of gut microbiota, affecting nutrient absorption and even impacting on temperament.
To help reduce stress:
- Use enrichment tools like foraging balls, horse licks and mirrors.
- Allow social interaction with other horses.
- Double-net hay to extend feeding time.
When Challenges Arise
Winter can be tough on our horses, no matter how carefully we plan. Empty hay nets in the morning, limited turnout or exercise, and changes in routine can leave horses feeling stressed and out of sorts. Over time, these challenges may lead to weight loss, reduced condition, and an unhappy horse.
Prevention is the key to success—let SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program® support your horses complete digestive health to help them cope with seasonal challenges and ensure your horse stays healthy and happy.
Why Choose SUCCEED?
SUCCEED is specifically designed to support optimal digestive health, helping your horse thrive through winter and beyond by:
- Promoting Cell Renewal and Repair: Optimizes digestive function, enhances membrane integrity, and improves nutrient uptake.
- Boosting Natural Defences: Strengthens mucus membranes to reduce risk of inflammation by protecting against gastric acid, toxins, and pathogens.
- Supporting Microbiota Activity: Provides essential nutrition for fiber fermentation, which supports overall health, condition and can even positively modulate temperament and anxiety.
- Enhancing Immunity: Encourages the activity of macrophages (white blood cells) to fight harmful bacteria.
- Binding Harmful Mycotoxins: Removes toxins often found in bagged feed and forage.
Start Early for Winter Success
A healthy digestive tract is the key to helping your horse handle winter’s challenges—limited turnout, routine changes, and the stress of colder days. Starting SUCCEED® Digestive Conditioning Program® early gives your horse the digestive support they need to stay happy, healthy, and resilient.
Set your horse up for success this winter and beyond—because a thriving GI tract means a thriving horse.